It's been a long time since I posted on here, and what better to break my hiatus than a Halloween post! It's no secret I love to dress up and family costumes bring me so. much. happiness! We've got ...
Oh boy where to begin?
It's January 2019. My baby girl just turned one. I'm finally getting a full nights rest (mostly!) And I am so enthused.
Generally, after I have a baby, I give myself a full year to ...
Wow! I feel like I have been absent from blogging/social media for a while! There are a couple reasons for this: Lately, I have taken a couple of "social media fasts," and, my sweet Vivienne was a sleepless infant up ...
For the first time in THREE years, all of us girls got together! We all know each other somehow, but we had never been able to coordinate meeting as a group. We had a blast and did a group photoshoot. ...
My name is Jordan and I love to dance, sing, and dress up! I am currently an ASU graduate student studying musical theatre. My husband Tim and my babe Enzo are what make my world go round. I like to blog about them, our adventures and clothes.