Welcome Friday and welcome 30 weeks! I actually won't be 30 weeks until Sunday, but I'm rounding up because I am so excited to be hitting this milestone! The 10 week countdown! This pregnancy has been both similar and different ...
I have been wanting to talk about the Miracle Stainless Steel 360° sippy cup for a long time now! It is a "happy find!" Let me explain: A "happy find!" is a product that I discover on my own that I ...
Last month I had the opportunity to go to New York with my Mom and sisters. It was the ultimate girls trip! The main purpose of our trip was to see Broadway shows, but we also found time to shop, ...
This past month Enzo and I were lucky enough to go camping while we visited Canada! It was a Payne sibling get together (My Mom's side of the family,) and it was a blast! We don't do much camping in ...
My name is Jordan and I love to dance, sing, and dress up! I am currently an ASU graduate student studying musical theatre. My husband Tim and my babe Enzo are what make my world go round. I like to blog about them, our adventures and clothes.