It's about time I showed some love to the truly dependable pattern in every girls life ... plaid! (Now that I think about it, plaid is a truly dependable pattern in every man and child's life as well.) I feel like plaid should ...
In this post, I mentioned that the jeans I was wearing were actually high-waisted. Today I'd like to feature them in their fully glory along with the item I have been craving most this winter: A classic turtleneck. My mouth ...
If you ever make it to the end of my posts, you will notice that I leave links to all the products photographed. Lately I have been a little obsessed, and three out of the four links today are from H&M! H&M has ...
A few confessions: Sometimes I eat chocolate for every meal. Sometimes I jump on Tim's back to be carried. I ride grocery carts like skate boards and I always need to be cuddled to sleep. Truly I am a child trapped inside a ...
My name is Jordan and I love to dance, sing, and dress up! I am currently an ASU graduate student studying musical theatre. My husband Tim and my babe Enzo are what make my world go round. I like to blog about them, our adventures and clothes.