My First Ever GIVEAWAY + Lululemon

    I am so excited to be doing my first ever GIVEAWAY! My love for Lululemon is nothing new on this blog, but today I am going to share my love with you!  A little while ago  I did a comparison of ...

Arizona + Burnt Orange

  Hey Everybody! The family and I are now in ARIZONA! I am seriously so happy to be here. When Tim and I were living in Hawaii I was so sad to think that our future children wouldn't have the sweet sunshine ...

Third Trimester + 70’s inspiration

  Today baby Enzo is 13 days old and doing so wonderful. He eats well and sleeps like a champ -  I feel so lucky! In my eyes he couldn't be any more perfect. I'm excited to be done blogging about pregnancy so ...

Second Trimester + Casual Comfort

  Well if you haven't heard the news - I had a baby! It happened Tuesday, August 19th at 6:17 a.m.  Little Enzo Reed weighed eight pounds + four ounces and his little body measured 21 inches long! Tim and I ...