I am so excited to be doing my first ever GIVEAWAY!
My love for Lululemon is nothing new on this blog, but today I am going to share my love with you! A little while ago I did a comparison of ...
Hey Everybody!
The family and I are now in ARIZONA! I am seriously so happy to be here. When Tim and I were living in Hawaii I was so sad to think that our future children wouldn't have the sweet sunshine ...
Today baby Enzo is 13 days old and doing so wonderful. He eats well and sleeps like a champ - I feel so lucky! In my eyes he couldn't be any more perfect. I'm excited to be done blogging about pregnancy so ...
Well if you haven't heard the news - I had a baby! It happened Tuesday, August 19th at 6:17 a.m. Little Enzo Reed weighed eight pounds + four ounces and his little body measured 21 inches long! Tim and I ...
My name is Jordan and I love to dance, sing, and dress up! I am currently an ASU graduate student studying musical theatre. My husband Tim and my babe Enzo are what make my world go round. I like to blog about them, our adventures and clothes.