How We Wore It | Felt hat

Happy 2016!

I am in complete denial that January is almost over.

Is it bad that I just started my resolutions last week?

I am so happy to have done another “How We Wore It” post with Chelan, Brittany and Hannah! (Previous post and explanation here.) We are actually aiming to make this post a monthly occurrence, so I am crossing my fingers that I will be able to keep up with these fierce bloggers!

This month we drew inspiration from the beautiful Eleni Mcmullen. Eleni is a renowned blogger from Calgary (Yay Alberta!), and I am a huge fangirl. Below is the picture we based our looks off of:

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Since I live in Arizona, I decided to create a warmer version of Eleni’s look. I love wearing the desert colors, and I have been wanting a felt hat for forever! My Dad actually got me the hat for Christmas, so shout out to him, and shout out to my Mama for picking it out! The links to everything I am wearing are below, and I was so happy to see that the tunic I am wearing is actually on sale for $15! So much yes. H&M is definetely my favorite for a reason. What I sadly did not get pictured, was Enzo seeing me wear the hat for the first time. He grinned from ear to ear, stole it off my head and put it on his own. I know I am a bias mother, but that boy’s cuteness never gets old. I was a melted to the core. Enzo’s actually got some looks on the horizon, but unfortunately today it is only me. Tim helped take these pictures right after our overdue date to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and I have been on cloud nine all day! (I am a bit of a Sci-Fi/fantasy nerd. Not to mention that Harrison was my first crush!) (Oh plus I love going on dates with Tim.) <3

Thank you so much for stopping by, and be sure to check out my friends “wore it” also linked below!

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Hat: Nordstrom

Top: H&M

Pants: Lululemon

Boots: Steve Madden



Brittany Lowry
