Merry Christmas Everybody!!!!
Christmas gets me so excited. I woke up today at 4:30 a.m. - wide awake!
I decided to use the rare quiet and alone time to (finally) write this post that has been on my to-do list forever! This ...
After a nice break, I am so happy to be starting up the "How We Wore It" Posts again. These girls - Brittany, Chelan and Hannah - really help me get in touch with my blog every month. It is ...
This has to be one of my favorite "How We Wore It" post yet! I've always loved the bohemian look and styling this outfit was so fun! Enzo and I were also extremely lucky to have our pictures taken by ...
Enzo and I had so much fun on this photoshoot! My amazing sister-in-law, Trisha Zemp, had the idea to take pictures in the mountains - and they were so lush and beautiful! We took a scenic drive up Squaw Peak and had ...
My name is Jordan and I love to dance, sing, and dress up! I am currently an ASU graduate student studying musical theatre. My husband Tim and my babe Enzo are what make my world go round. I like to blog about them, our adventures and clothes.